Monday, November 19, 2007

Turkey Tournament Update

The 1st Annual Turkey Tournament is on schedule for this Wednesday at 6 PM. Some important bits of info:

  1. The team rosters & schedule are done and will be posted by Tony Hansen on his great website very soon. I am emailing him this info after I finish this blog.

  2. You will need to check in at the lobby PRIOR to dressing / or playing to sign the waiver & get your jersey

  3. There will be locker room assignments. 2 teams per locker room

  4. 4 teams will begin play promptly at 6 PM. Please make sure you are on time.

  5. After your games, if you are not playing, come up and have some pizza & drinks. (suggestion: leave the majority of your gear on but no skates).

  6. Please drink in moderation. Its a long night, and we do not want excessive "socializing" to ruin the evening. The refs will be instructed to eject any player they feel is a threat to themselves or any others

  7. Pizza will be provided from approx. 7-10 PM. This was included in your entry fee. Drinks will be available for purchase at the concession stand upstairs. Your own ALCOHOLIC beverages are NOT allowed inside the MISF (as per their request).

  8. This is a FUN & SOCIAL event. We have B, C & D League players all participating. Teams have been formed randomly, but with an attempt at fairness. There will be ZERO tolerance for overaggressive play. Please play with respect to the players around you.

I am personally not playing as I will do my best to coordinate the entire event upstairs and downstairs. Thanks in advance for making this event a HUGE success.

Special Thanks to Aaron Clutts for designing the Event/Jersey Logo. Awesome Job. If you need any graphic art work, contact him.

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