Next, all the players are playing dirty. There is always that "guy" or "girl" on the other team that "everyone" hates. Why do they take it so serious. All me and my teammates do is try and play fair and have fun but the other team always wants to play dirty and cheap. It seems to all work out, because we just retaliate to show them we won't back down.
Now, what about the refs? Are you kidding me? Why do we have refs? What do they have against our team & our players. They never see the other players start the chipiness. They only see what they want. Do they even know the rules? All we want to do is play a fun game and they ruin it every time.
Finally, all these new rules take the fun out of the game. 3 minutes penalties, blue line icing, stop clock in last 2 minutes & a 3 goal max? Again, I thought hockey was supposed to be fun, instead our play is obstructed by all the rules.
Bad times to play, stupid rules, inexperienced refs, unfriendly players & unfair teams make hockey seem like work. I'm just going to keep complaining about this game and this league because its making my life so difficult and miserable.
Pictured are Rocky Kinney (left) & Fred Mersberger (right) both currently stationed in Iraq. As you can see from their jerseys, they played for Bearing Group last season, but needed to take the summer off to serve our country. I bet they would rather be out in Iraq in the nice hot weather. They are probably sitting there right now reading this blog laughing and smiling that they don't have to go through all these problems that we have to deal with in our league. I'm sure its much better for them to not play, than to put up with all these critical hockey issues we deal with every week.
So next week as you sit up in the lounge drinking that overpriced $2 pitcher of cold beer, just think of how lucky we all could be if WE were the ones over in Iraq not worrying about anything and laughing at all these issues.
---Hopefully everybody got my sarcasm. Fred & Rocky, hope to see you back real soon (your team really needs you back). Thanks for reminding me that in the grand scheme of things, all the issues really don't matter as long as we're playing. Thanks for serving & see you soon...we'll save you a $2 pitcher.
Thank you for the perspective, Joe.
Very nice perspective even though some of the comments have a ring of truth...
I appreciate what all of our soldiers are doing and respect the larger issues they face. Undoubtedly they would rather be dealing with the BS of the current league than suicidal insurgents. I may not be on the front line, but I do pay the insurance benefits for many of our service men and women.
Still, in the tight economic times many of us are facing, hockey is supposed to be our downtime. Certain leagues should carry an air of recreation and sportsmanship by their design. When things are going like they have been since the summer league started, it makes one consider finding a new hobby - a more cost effective hobby. That is bad for people whose businesses are based around hockey in this city...
I do not disagree with your comments and believe people have a right to vote with their $$$.
My point for this entry was to show that in the grand scheme of life, some of the issues we face in league are not that serious.
I believe change comes from enough dissatisfaction.
I agree they are not that serious. I know that my $$$ votes go to One Place. (One Sport.) At least when it comes to hockey...
Mucho thanks Edger.
My hope is we'll be here for you, but if not we'll help support hockey together.
No prob Alien. I promise whatever support I can muster whether financial or spiritual for any hockey ventures you undertake. Your contribution to local hockey is noteworthy. Hell, the adult league system that we currently have would not exist at had you not created it. I suffered through random pick up roller hockey at Sk8 2000 until it closed and then random lunch hockey at MSIF when I could until a realistic league option opened up last year. That is why so many of us are concerned with the league's current direction; last night's meeting resolved very little in terms of future operations. If only there was an alternative...
This sentiment prompted this blog to begin with! It comes full circle...
Anyone who knows me knows that I am not blowing smoke here. I only hand out praise and compliments where they have been earned.
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