The seperation begins as we move deeper into the season. With MP Security in 1st place with 10 points & Irwins/Legends at the bottom with a lone win, the middle of the pack has several teams with 8, 7 & 6 points.
Now that most teams have played each other, adjustments & playing styles are being modified. Lets take a look at Week #7.
I took this opportunity to interview 6 players this week and ask them 10 questions. The final question was to predict the winner of their game. Here goes.
Bearings Group Vs. Alien Joe
1) Favorite NHL Team - Penguins of course
2) Pregame Meal - Burrito Supreme & a Mountain Dew
3) Superstitions - Danielson from my team ties my skates
4) Favorite Superhero - Mighty Mouse
5) Favorite Movie - Steel Magnolias
6) Hobby - Rock Climbing
7) Favorite NHL Player - John Tucker
8) Who would you vote off your team? - John Hoekstra
9) My best hockey move - Triple deke backhand
10) Winner of game - Bearings by 8
Coke Vs. Slapshot
Interviewed - Nick Giunta (Coke/YDD)
1) Favorite NHL Team - Edmonton Oilers
Coke Vs. Slapshot
Interviewed - Nick Giunta (Coke/YDD)
1) Favorite NHL Team - Edmonton Oilers

2) Pregame Meal - 3 Aspirin & a Red Bull
3) Superstitions - "Cup Check" all my teammates
4) Favorite Superhero - Wonder Woman
5) Favorite Movie - Revenge of the Nerds
6) Hobby - Butterfly Collecting
7) Favorite NHL Player - Jaromir Jagr
8) Who would you vote off your team? - Matt Whitaker
9) My best hockey move - Line Change
10) Winner of game - Coke/YDD by 5MISF Vs. Legends/Irwins
Interviewed - Kris Hoeppner (Irwins/Legends)
1) Favorite NHL Team - Atlanta Braves
Interviewed - Kris Hoeppner (Irwins/Legends)
1) Favorite NHL Team - Atlanta Braves
2) Pregame Meal - Egg yoke, banana & tomato milkshake
3) Superstitions - Wear favorite t-shirt from 3rd grade under jersey
4) Favorite Superhero - Dane Lenhard
6) Hobby - Cage fighting & fishing
7) Favorite NHL Player - Yes
8) Who would you vote off your team? - Mark Wente
9) My best hockey move - Between the legs wrap around
10) Winner of game - Irwins/Legends by 6Alien Mike Vs. MP Security
Interviewed - Cory Sedrel (MP Security)
1) Favorite NHL Team - MP Security (2010 expansion)
Interviewed - Cory Sedrel (MP Security)

1) Favorite NHL Team - MP Security (2010 expansion)
2) Pregame Meal - Whatever Mulford's wife cooks for team
3) Superstitions - Never buy the beer, always let teammates
4) Favorite Superhero - Green Lantern
5) Favorite Movie - Bridget Jones Diary
6) Hobby - Writing poetry, riding harley, antique shopping
7) Favorite NHL Player - Kristi Yamaguchi
8) Who would you vote off your team? - All the law enforcement
9) My best hockey move - The water bottle squirt
10) Winner of game - MP by 2
10) Winner of game - MP by 2
B & B vs. Cup O Kryptonite
Interviewed - Michael Pedersen (Cup O' K)
1) Favorite NHL Team - B & B (I'm a free agent)
Interviewed - Michael Pedersen (Cup O' K)

1) Favorite NHL Team - B & B (I'm a free agent)
2) Pregame Meal - M & Ms, water & slice of cheese
3) Superstitions - Chew tobacco during game
4) Favorite Superhero - Underdog
5) Favorite Movie - Iron Eagle 2
6) Hobby - Roman Greco Wrestling
7) Favorite NHL Player - Bill Wirtz
8) Who would you vote off your team? - Matt Johnson (put us on TV)
9) My best hockey move - "Ref not looking" Hook
10) Winner of game - B & B by 2
10) Winner of game - B & B by 2
2) Pregame Meal - McDonald's Value Meal #3 (diet coke)
3) Superstitions - No stretching or warm ups
4) Favorite Superhero - Cat Women
5) Favorite Movie - Ishtar
6) Hobby - Competitive Twister
7) Favorite NHL Player - Rob Lowe in Youngblood
8) Who would you vote off your team? - Dave Green
9) My best hockey move - 97 MPH Backhand
10) Winner of game - Tie