As week #2 of Spring / Summer hockey is upon, and I get ready to make my ever popular choices, I came to a realization. I try to entertain each week with some humorous & sarcastic comments and picks, but I never take the time to provide a serious insight on our growing league. The decision has been made to give a more realistic perspective on the match ups this week and spotlight those that deserve recognition. So here goes.
First, you are correct if you guessed the player pictured is a young Dave
Mulford. I obtained the photo from one of his old teammates. Even back then, Dave still was a fan of the
CCM Tack series skate, and although his features haven't changed much, he did upgrade from the old 492s to the new Pro Tacks.
(Note: The stick is a 2 piece. Composite shaft & wood blade--Looks like a
Modano curve)
C League
YDD/Coke Vs.
YDD/Coke skated to a tie last week, they did not have their regular goalie. Reeves (their normal goalie) decided that he was not going to skate in the off season to stay fresh. After new team Captain
Koenig, heard this, Reeves was quickly benched for game 1. Ex-captain, and now 3rd line winger, Whitaker, thought that was rather harsh, but respected the decision. The team
goaltending issue is just the beginning of their problems. This team that just won the championship a short time ago cannot stand each other.
Las Vegas veteran
Glessner even come to the rink dressed in his gear to avoid conversation in the locker room. This dysfunctional team should be in store for a long season. On the other side we have the "House Team" in
MISF. If you think the New England Patriots had a big scandal when they were caught taping their opponent's practice, then this will be of no surprise. Team players (who happen to be rink employees) have made some convenient changes. 1) The temperature in their opponents locker rooms is turned down to a chilling 24 degrees, while their room is set at a comfortable 67. 2) Electronic time keeping devices on their bench allow them to control the speed of the clock. 3) The matting on the floor of the opposition's bench is made of sandpaper. These are a few of the known items that occur during their games. Although it is commonly stated that "Cheaters never win.", this game becomes the exception.
MISF by 5.
Alien Mike vs. Alien Joe
On the surface, others may look at this game as a competitive yet friendly match up between many friends (and family members)...untrue. With the recent departure of Mike to an unnamed insurance company, an internal feud has erupted. Players on the 2 teams were unaware as to how the teams would get selected for the Summer. As we drafted players one by one, the battle began. I had picked up Irwin's superstar, Aaron
Clutts with one of my early picks and this infuriated Mikey. He knew how much Blaine Barker meant to me and my team and ripped him from our grasp. After the final rounds of selections happened and I took the last remaining players of
Topliff & Lowell, the battle had begun. Although top
defensemen Kelley was a life time Alien Mike player, and picked again by Mike this time around, he refused to play. I told him there was always a place for him in a nurturing environment and he was welcome to bring his young son that Mikey had shunned. On the other side, we had asked the dynamic trio of Dean, Feathers & West to join the popular Alien Joe squad and we were a big "thanks, but no thanks." to our request. So the battle lives on and we play for pride. Alien Joe by 3.
Irwins/Legends Vs. Bearings Group
What should you do if your team dominates the league last season, makes it to the Championship game, but eventually loses? You cut all your teammates that can't produce and merge with another teams star players.
That's the story behind
Irwins/Legends. Legends leader and team mastermind,
Wente decided that Anderson, Callahan &
Reindl were not productive last season. He collaborated with
Irwins to create the "Dream Team." Some work needed to be done with the Irwin's roster as well. Star players like Wallace,
Dahl & Harper were left on the team, while the likes of
Clutts & Dean were left without a team. If this team off All Stars does well this session, will they have any interest to reform their old crew? I think not. If you take all the bad of Legends/
Irwins and ask what is the exact opposite, you will find the Bearings Group. With a loyal group of friends, this team's attitude keeps them all together. With the returning
Brott Bros. and emotional leader
Hoekstra, the team was nearly perfect. The only piece missing was talent. A last minute acquisition of
Hemphill was the final ingredient. A team to be feared this season, the Bearings Group has it all. Bearings by 2.
Slapshot Vs. MP Security
Having a team named after the most famous movie about hockey carries very high expectations. Or is the team modeled after the famous "
Slapshot" team as depicted in the movie. A goalie named Storm cam have many meanings. A storm like a flood? Allowing a flood of goals would not be a good storm. This team is still relatively unknown. A 2-2 tie last week does not give us a good sense of what they are capable of. MP Security has a larger arsenal than Arnold Schwarzenegger's shed in the movie Commando. What started out as a good idea quickly went the route of win at all costs. A close knit group of Law Enforcement officials set out to create a team where these individuals could bond and have a common background. Once their assembled team resembled a Squirt House League Team, they decided to stack it. Add
Broadbent, Camp,
Sedrel &
Patava. None of which is a law enforcement official. Actually, quite the opposite. Each one of these team members are currently on probation having to do community service for their crimes. As
recommended by the officers on the team, they felt it was a great service to the community if these individuals played for a police officer team. They almost had Mike
Dylo doing some probationary time, but the grand theft auto charge didn't stick. MP by 3 (if
Slapshot knows whats good for them)
D League
11 to 7 Insurance Vs. B & B
Owner of 11 to 7 Insurance has built the beginning of a dynasty. Although Dave now plays in C League, he still has strict control over his D League affiliate. His squad consists of 17 players that breakdown in the following way - (8) D League players (6) C League players, (2) B League Players & (1) A League player that happens to be banned in Canada. Apparently the "D" in D League stands for "Destroy", "Demolish" or even "Devastate" to the players of 11 to 7. To improve their team's overall ability, they have even played short handed intentionally just to fine tune their skills. B & B is a
bunch of beer drinking, snack eating players that can't count high enough to keep score. This team is the true definition of "beer league" hockey. With guys like Bishop in net & Holloway as a first line forward, the team is destined to not do well this season. The team of B & B have accepted this and are ready for the grind of drinking the $6 pitchers after each game. 11 to 7 by 9.
Alien Hockey Vs. Cup O
KryptoniteZorich leaves. Richter leaves. Cup O
Kryptonite does not repeat as champs. Team captain Johnson has already been looking to the future. He believes this is a rebuilding year and some of the new players on the team will take this season to develop.
Seiler, Compton &
Edgington each asked for trades at the beginning of the season with no takers. A 1 goal loss at last week's game will be their smallest margin of defeat this season. Once you think Cup has it bad, look no further than Alien Hockey. They will battle for the last place spot with Cup all season. The addition of the Haynes brothers will add some grit, but
unfortunately they can't skate well enough to show their grit.
Huyck &
Schneiders is as good as they have with the some additional support coming from the Keller's, but it will only make a difference in warm ups as each team they face will expose them for what they are. I'll say my prayers for Tony every Wednesday night so he can get as much help as possible. Cup by 1
There you have it. The raw & unedited analysis which I call the truth. Each week will have a different flavor, but my expertise and overall perspective on this league will never falter.
Good luck & have a great week!