Thursday, September 20, 2007

Thanksgiving Adult Tournament

Eating turkey, seeing family, watching football & relaxing....nothing beats Thanksgiving Day. How can it get any better???

We are having the First Annual Alien Turkey Tourney the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. A good friend of the Alien family, Scott Anderson, came up with the idea. He figured since there was no league hockey that night and most players who stay in town don't work the Thanksgiving Day, would enjoy some form of hockey.

More details will follow soon, but we are looking at playing 3 on 3 along the width of the ice. This will allow us to have 2 games (or 4 teams) all playing at the same time. Our goal is 8 teams with 4 + 1 goalie on each team. This means we need 32 skaters & 8 goalies. We would start at 6 PM Wednesday night and play until approx 1 AM.

Each team is guaranteed 4 games. Games will be (2) 15 minute periods. We have not finalized costs, but we are anticipating approx. $40/ player. This would include all the games & pizza.

The teams would be randomly selected based on entries. A few of us would get together and make teams as fair as possible. It would be open to any registered C & D players. This format would allow players from different leagues & teams to play with each other and socialize on a night where you are not working the next day.

With only 32 spots available, we are taking players on a first come first served basis. I need an email from those interested. I am putting this on my blog to allow those who actually read it an opportunity to register first. Other than Scott (who came up with the idea), nobody is getting a preferential entry.

So spread the word, sign up and get ready for some Alien Turkey action!

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