Local polls show that the Adult Travel Team heading to Las Vegas next April is the #1 Adult Travel Team in Des Moines. The fact that it currently is the only Adult Travel Team in Des Moines should not matter.
We have a great group of guys ready to take on this challenge and and we are focused on winning. Well, maybe we're focused on going to Vegas for a good time and hockey just happens to interrupt our trip.
Marty Wilford from the Iowa Stars was talking to us about adult tournaments and we all thought it sounded like fun. After Adam took the lead and researched all the different events, we asked the guys who first thought it was a cool idea if they were still in, and a team was born. Here is a small background on each member of this All Star Group.
Joe - (me.) Although size doesn't show it, I have taken on the role of enforcer for this squad. I don't want anyone taking cheap shots on my my guys.
Mike D. - My cousin. Although not a very strong skater on our team, we felt we should take him since he was family.
Adam - At 6' 4", he is definitely our power forward and goal scoring machine. He & I share enforcer duties.
Matt - Although he was not very athletic growing up, he has made it his goal in life to excel at hockey. His heart is as big as he is.
Shawn - The quiet one in the bunch, he will be the level headedness we will need in a town like Vegas.
Patrick - Banned from all Canadian Hockey Leagues for issues that we cannot disclose, his grit & toughness are his strengths (as stated by his parole officer)
Gene - Don't be fooled by Gene's young age. Although immature at times, Gene is that quiet defenseman that explodes when needed...bring your ID in case you get carded.
Chris - Loud mouth, obnoxious & arrogant are the best words to describe him. He backs up his talk on and off the ice.
Nathan - Leading the leagues in penalty minutes, goal scored, assists and shut outs, he is a one man wrecking crew in D League.
Mike F. - Or "Little Mike" as we refer to him has a "bite" worse than his "bark"...our hope is to keep him contained...for the other team's sake.
Neil - Although the slowest on the team, with not a very good shot, nor any passing ability...actually, why is he going with us again?
Shane - The only "legally blind" goalie playing organized hockey today. He had sonar implants from a dolphin to help him "see" the puck.

After a hard practice yesterday (yeah we practice 1 day every other week as a team) , I realized how much fun hockey truly is. Some may think I would get tired of playing because I'm around it all the time, but I saw my teammates last night and they can't get enough either.
Whether they're playing 2 leagues, hitting every stick & puck, going to extra pay & plays or even hanging out in the shop, one thing is the same...our love of hockey.
So whether we are carrying the Championship Cup in Las Vegas or leaving the tourney early only to drown our sorrows at the closest bar, one thing I guarantee is that it'll be fun.