Tuesday, April 6, 2010

A Vegas Hockey Holiday Story

Twas the night before Vegas and all through Des Moines,
all the players were packing and counting their coin.

Mikey & Shane and even Big Nate,
Decided to get in a pre-Vegas Skate.
Mikey skated hard and Shane let in 10,
Nate hopes he does not break his sternum again.

Knipper sits awake in his Lazy-Boy chair
Inputting Vegas stops into Four Square.
Fascian thinks he's the best "Checking in" player,
But Knipper will be the Excaliber Mayor.

Beede can't sleep since it's his first time,
He wonders if he will commit a bad crime.
Haynes is nervous as well, his face turning red,
Since he and Beede will be sharing a bed.

Bishop has vowed to drink lots on the plane,
His 3rd time to Vegas is surely insane.
He skates on the ice while having no fear,
As long as they charge $1 for beer.

Houlihan packs thinking about his one shot,
To prove to the team he has earned this great spot.
He plays every shift and fights through the pain,
And surely he'll remember the long airport train.

McCallum & Keller leave their families behind,
With wives & kids still on their mind.
They have beautiful dreams as they sleep through the nights,
Not about family, but rather bum fights.

Bafia & Kelley work on their "D" plan,
Should we play the zone, or man against man?
Joe reads his book on how he should bet,
As Gene decides "Should I shoot on MY net?"

Blomquist is coming from far far away,
We're glad he's coming, just wish he won't play.
He plays like a center with a scowl on his face,
He never stays still, he's all over the place.

Lowell packs up his speedo, just for the hot tub,
Grabbing his loafers, just for Da Club.
He dances & spins and even gyrates,
That's what you see whenever he skates.

This team is all ready, they trained all year long,
There's no stopping them now, they can bring it on strong.
Some think this group can be rather insane,
We'll prove them all right as we step on the plane.

Merry Vegas to All and to All a Good Night !

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