My record so far of 2-4 is not an accurate indicator. For what you see is only my local picks. My picks for Adult Leagues across the entire country (including Canada & Mexico) are dead on. After 3 weeks, my overall record is 267-5.
Now that we have that out of the way, here is week#3.
Red Alert Vs. Irwins
If I made this pick earlier in the week, I would have gone the route of Irwins. I felt like the tide was shifting in their favor. With Lasnek finally getting his legs back, there is no more need to rely on guys like Holloway & Wheeler. Dane Maxwell (or Mr. Maxwell is what he prefers to be called) is ready to make Tony Hansen look like a malfunctioning traffic light always blinking red from all the goals he's going to score. But since I am making these picks late Tuesday night, I have new information that causes me to swing my vote the other way. After last week's game Red Alert had with Alien, I thought consistency would hurt this team. The likes of the Battistas, Feathers, West, Bragg & Scholz were all missing. My thought was these guys had schedules that did not allow for them to all be there on a consistent basis. However, I heard from an anonymous source that we'll call ScXtt BrXeck (letters from his name have been "X"d out for his safety) that these guys didn't show because they were scared of the Alien team. Although there should be some fear, missing a game is unacceptable. I have now heard they are not scared of Irwins and will be attending this game. This coupled with the debut of some new jerseys can only have me pick them in this one. scaRED Alert by 4.
Cup O K vs. Alien
Last week, Shane Bast sat next to me upstairs and said he could predict the score of the Kryptonite Vs. Hawgs game. He said "Hawgs by 10" and I politely responded that he was an idiot. Turns out, I predicted Cup by 4 and it should have been that. Unfortunately, goalie Hudson of the Hawgs is in to a bookie for quite a bit and needed to let in a softie late in the game to make it a 5 goal game. Cup has proven that they are a contender. Alien has proven that they can beat 2 teams that are scared to play. The big question is can Alien perform in the "BIG" games. I think the answer is yes. Sure, Kryptonite has Kundel, Hill & Current. Don't forget their Dean & Green line. Even Pedersen & Johnson touch the puck (occasionally). But this showdown will be all about the brother combination. Alien has Dylo & Dylo to match against Barker & Barker. Although on paper it may be tough to pick the favorite between these siblings, the edge goes to the D+D Duo on this Wed night. Alien by 1.
Hawgs & Voodoo Tattoo
"We're going to make them wish they didn't show up for the late game", proclaimed Ms. Zorich of the undefeated Voodoo. "Have they watched us play? Do they think they stand a chance?"
Make no mistake, the likes of Lewis & Toomey doing damage upfront, with Dawson & Whitaker ....well, maybe just Dawson taking a tough defensive stand in back, this team is a legit 2-0. "The 7 goals against me are all Giunta's fault" admitted goaltender Reeves. "This should be an easy night...maybe I won't even stretch." On the other side of the ice will be the new & improved Puck Hawgs. Like their jerseyless counterparts (Red ALert), the Hawgs too debut their new jerseys. "Now I'll know who's on my team" exclaimed Hewlett. "Its about time we got some classlessness!" I am going out on a limb and calling this game in favor of the Hawgs. There is no way a team with talent like Sindelar, Kozak, Kielty, Bartak & Hewlett should ever lose. I hope they don't take their team name literally and try to become one player wrecking crews. I think the jerseys this week unifies them for their first win of the season (and many more to follow). Hawgs by 2.
Good luck to all!