Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Hockey Teammates Are Like Family

As the day neared to the Alien Vegas Team departure to their Las Vegas Tournament, it was finally hitting me that I was not going.

After I helped spearhead a group of incredible friends to go to Vegas last year, they decided it needed to happen again this year. Unfortunately, I was in the middle of closing our shop, unknown income & employment future, wife just starting a new position and a kid playing travel hockey, all led to the decision that me personally going to Vegas was not in my best interest financially.

The guys were disappointed, but supportive. They included me on all the emails, discussions & even had me run some of their practices. I was not feeling bad about not going because I still felt like part of the team. That is until a week ago.

Now the departure date was around the corner. The discussions escalated from booking airfare and hotel to items such as, "Where are we going to watch the first round of playoffs? MGM or Caesar's?" This made me realize that I was truly going to miss something that was such a great event with a group that was equal to the event. But, I had accepted the reality that it wasn't meant to be this year, and I decided to focus on "What about next year?".

So yesterday (Monday) morning, I get some texts and emails talking about the trip and how the guys wanted me there. I expressed that if there was anything I could do in my power to get there I would, but it wasn't in the cards this time around. Then the hockey family "magic" happened. Bishop & Fascian (2 Vegas teammates) contacted me and said I needed to pack my bags and meet Lowell & Clutts (2 more teammates) on Wednesday Morning to head to the airport. The next email was a confirmation for my flight. The team had raised money to get me there and the offer to stay in Lowell & Dylo's room came next.

I didn't want to go at first as I truly didn't feel right accepting this gesture. In the end, I realized that's what family does and graciously accepted their kind gift. I was told by Bishop that when he sent out a text asking who wanted to help get Joe to Vegas, he got 47 texts from the team figuring it out. With Fascian doing the final booking, all was set.

As I type this at 10:25 PM on Tuesday night with my stuff packed by the door waiting like a kid on Christmas Eve for tomorrow to come, I cannot express how thankful I am for the friends...no family, I have gained. Most of us have known each other now for only a few years, but it seems like a lifetime. We've supported each other in a variety of ways. From last year's trip to Vegas to raising some money for LeFleur when he dislocated his shoulder and missed some work. From planning the annual Dylo Family BBQ to the infamous Bishop's night out. We even coach teams & camps for kids together. Lowell & I coach a summer team together and Dylo & Bast help out and they don't even have any kids! Fascian, Lowell & I are running a clinic for kids with Marty Wilford this summer. Then you have guys like Clutts who design professional logos for the team and guys like Kelley who put that logo on his credit card! And although we even play on different teams during league at times, the family bond is still strong.

With some new additions to this Vegas crew, guys like Knipper, Dean, Keller, Blomquist & McCallum fit right in. Vegas veterans like Brand & LeFleur round out the best group of guys I have ever known. This is in addition to the supportive wives & girlfriends that not only support our team, but are also a part of it.

So without sounding too sappy (which I'm sure is too late now), I thank everyone of my teammates for making this trip possible. To me this trip is not an adult hockey tournament with a group of guys, but rather a family vacation.

(By the way, why am I flying coach? Was first class booked?)

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