Last week's much anticipated match up between Cup O' Insurance and Alien Vegas was cancelled. The entire day, my cousin Mike & I discussed how we were looking forward to this game and the challenge it would bring. We
believed it would be a hard fought battle, but we felt like we would prevail. After all, we knew most of their weaknesses and we were ready to exploit them.
Well, the game never came as the Zamboni (or Olympia, Ice
resurfacer, or whatever you call it) went down with technical difficulties. The much publicized game would have to wait, but I
believed both teams were saddened by this cancellation....so I thought.
As I was eating lunch with my good friend and ex-teammate, Adam Lowell, we discussed the missed game and how upset both teams were. I watched as his eye twitched, foot tapped & he didn't have much of an appetite (which is
SOOOO unlike Adam), I began to wonder and started asking questions. "Was your team ready for this game?" I questioned. "Of course we were...kinda sorta."
After 4 Diet Cherry Pepsis, I had him
squawking like a parrot. "I'm so glad we didn't play" he cried. "Brad Dean thinks he's fast...he's not that fast" Adam continued. So 3 hours later, I got him to admit that the
Zam didn't "malfunction" as it was
rumored, but rather some devious Vegas planning. Here is what occurred per Adam.
Fascian called a team meeting and expressed his fear of playing against the Cup O Insurance Team.
McCallum added that there was no way they could contain our guys.
LeFleur had told everyone he wasn't going to show up and say he dislocated his shoulder (again). Shane even asked his boss for mandatory overtime in hopes that he could get Dave Brown to sub. Nate and Gene argued about who would start on defense as they both figured 3 goals would be scored on the first shift alone. Then
Clutts had a brilliant idea. Sneak into the Zamboni room and sabotage it. This was the only way they thought...and it worked.
The sad part is that they ruined it for everyone. Sure, they were scared. It's
ok to admit that. Feathers & West's relentless crosschecking in the crease, Johnson's 14' wingspan & the David Green freight train in your face. Then you've got Close &
Gugat to contend with. Don't let
Hudyma's age fool you, he was smacking in slappers while most of the Vegas team was getting their bottoms slapped by their doctors at birth! Myself is a given. Who wouldn't be afraid of this 100 lb ball of power. Bishop will tell you that he wears a diaper when he plays against me. And last but not least, Stuart. Good
Heavens, half our team is scared of him.
In the end, the inevitable was delayed. No game last week. Heck, maybe they sabotage the lighting next and cause a power "failure" when the next match up is about to occur. No worries though as we have the "you can run, but you can't hide" mentality and you'll have to face the music at some point (or maybe you'll sabotage that too.)