Monday, December 17, 2007

Just A Typical Week of Hockey

I've learned that there are 3 types of players out there.
1) Those that like hockey.
2) Those that love hockey.
3) Those that live hockey.

We opened our store because 1) I needed a different job to see my family more & 2) What better thing to do if you love hockey?

So how glamorous is it when you LIVE hockey:

Here is a week in the life of a hockey family as it started last Saturday.
Saturday 12/8 - Coach Mite game in the morning
Sunday 12/9 - Joe play B league game; Natalia play D league game
Monday 12/10 - Joe Stick & Puck in afternoon to break in new skates. Coach Mites in evening
Tuesday 12/11 - Coach Mite Select Team in evening
Wednesday 12/12 - Joe play C League game (beats Alien Mike)
Thursday 12/13 - Joe play in roller hockey game then have a Vegas Team Ice Scrimmage (5 on 5 no subs...)
Friday 12/14 - What? No Hockey?....Recover.
Saturday 12/15 - Coach Mite game in the morning. Attend Stars game in evening. Promote "Learn to Skate" program with fliers.
Sunday 12/16 - Coach Mite Select Game in afternoon. Joe plays double header roller hockey games. Natalia plays D League game. Joe finishes off with C League game for Coca Cola/ YDD.
Monday 12/17 - Type blog & do the unwanted "paperwork" side of business since store is closed. Prepare to coach Mite Team in evening.

You would think a person would get tired of what they are around every day, but my escape from the hockey "business" is playing & coaching. Its a great stress reliever from the daily grind when you only focus on playing or coaching.

Just thought I'd share some personal thoughts as I drink my hot tea & eat my Short Stop hot dog and take a "break" from work.

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