Sunday, August 26, 2012

Possible ABC Lockout?

As we prepare for the start of our 2012-13 ABC League at Bucs Arena, we read about a possible NHL lockout.  As adult rec league players, you would think we would be immune from any of this types of issues, but you would be dead wrong.

As commissioner of the league, my roles of coordinating the league, refs, registration & schedule are only a minor part of my duties.  The bigger challenge is that of mediating between the captains and players.  Currently there are some big issues dividing the group that could possibly delay our season.

Here are the player's demands:
- Opportunity to choose to skip a shift if they are busy talking to someone on bench
- A dedicated equipment manager to get gear picked up after game
- Sponsored team massages
- On-site skate sharpening available between periods
- Team buses
- Catered meals after game

Here are the captain's demands:
- Players pitch in to pay the captain's league fee
- Private locker room for captain
- All players call captains "Sir"
- 3 practices per week by team (captain exempt)

Although it appears the two sides are far away, I believe we will come together to get an equitable deal done.

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