Saturday, January 14, 2012

It's Scramble Time!

Just as the NHL All-Star game is fast approaching, so is our scramble game. There are much similarities between these 2 events, but our event is so much better because everyone is an All-Star! Okay, maybe not everyone is an All-Star, but we did pay our league fees so we should all be allowed to play.

I did my best to mix things up again for this 2nd scramble. That doesn't mean it's an exact science, so don't get all Mitt Romney on me and start taking out attack ads. I believe anyone that played a late game last time, should not have the late game again. Outside of that, I went down last weeks rosters and assigned to a different team as I went down the list. This means you may play again with someone you already have played with. Players that "share" a spot are both allowed to play in the scramble, so everyone in the league should be on a team.

If you believe something is wrong (like if someone is missing), let me know. If you think your team stinks and that the teams are unfair, you should let your new teammates know that in the locker room before your game so they can appropriately beat you down.

The schedule will be the same as last time:
7:15 Team 1 vs Team 2
8:35 Team 3 vs Team 4
9:55 Team 5 vs Team 6

Jersey colors are listed by the team name.

Lastly, no substitutions, swapping teams, trades, etc. without league approval. Also, no playing multiple games as this will only screw up the mathematically calculated team balance I have spent days working on.

Here they are:

Team 1 (white)
Kacy Reeves - Goalie
Richard Huyck
Nataliya Dudechenko
Brad Dean
Dave Gannon
Dave Green
Mark Lee
Mitch Stein
Will Koch
Mikey Dylo
Lisa Schumacher
David Stember
Nick Dawson
Brendan McCallum
Dustin Gordon
Andrew Mellein
Shaun Greene

Team 2 (dark)
Eric Keese - Goalie
Adam Schneiders
Nick Hrabak
Laura Stein - IR
Rich Cohan
Ben Paoli
Rob Wheeler
Dave Miller
Dane Maxwell
Adam Lowell
Chad Beyer
Dan Hickey
Dusty Beenan
Pat Houlihan
Terry Sindelar
Chris Hansen
Nick Giunta

Team 3 (white)
Tony Hansen - goalie
Chris LeFleur
Tom Kirvan
Dan Bishop
Rich Hrabak
Jeremy Knipper
Joe Bafia
Pat Cashman
Aaron Clutts
Mark Ramsey
Jon Rech
Shon McDonough
Nate Brand
Rick Radcliff
James Martinson
Ben Griswell

Team 4 (dark)
Scott Anderson - Goalie
Dan Hoy
Mark Dylo
Andrew Lee
Shawn Topliff
David Ross
Mike Fascian
Justin West
Paul Adams
Dave Swift
Ben Hudson
Nick Radcliff
Josh Feathers
Mike Bartak
Bill Goodman
Mark Scholz

Team 5 (white)
Steve Kuzynowski - Goalie
Chris Hill
Adam Keller
Paul Curran
Javi Rodriguez
Paul Knight
Marc LePera
Dan Becker
Mike Pedersen - IR
Darren Stout
Adam Krultz
Tim Close
Todd Bentzen
Tony Toigo
Mike Beede
Nick Worth
Mark Loverude

Team 6 (dark)
Jim Goeke - Goalie
Matt Johnson
Larry LePera
Monty Brown
Brent Hanke
Brian Gugat
Dave Chongo
Scott Jacobson
Matt Whitaker
Tyler Wallace
Ryan LePera
Dan Koenig
Jason Wolf
Scott Kundel
Dave Natale
Brett Damos
Caleb Harrelson

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