Sunday, May 17, 2009

Blackhawks Vs. Red Wings

I was hoping to write this entry in a better mood, but after the game this afternoon, I'm not the happiest person. It is hard for me to understand that a team like the Blackhawks who are far superior in every way, could lose to the Red Wings.

Although I do respect the Original 6 teams and am glad that the Hawks play against a real hockey team like the Wings (versus a west coast, sun tanning bunch of Ducks), I was disappointed that the Hawks did not come out with the fire they've shown in the past.

My expectation is that this series goes 7 games and I get to watch the final game while I'm in Chicago with other Hawks fans. I'm looking forward to running into the streets of Chicago after a nail biting OT win by the Hawks and tipping over cars, looting stores & setting garbage cans on fire (ahhh...reminds me of the good old days of the Chicago Bulls).

People often ask why I think the Hawks are a better team than the Wings. My answer is typically "If you have to ask that question, you are not smart enough to be a Hawk's fan." However, I do understand that some people reading this need their hand held and it is my responsibility to point out why the Hawks are far more superior.

Logo - Just look at. Really look at it. The beautiful artistry of colors incorporated on a face that smiles. A work of art that has stood the test of time. Now look at the Wings. Its a red wheel with a a bird's wing coming off the side. My kid came home from school one day with a picture he drew of a spoon with a tail. This was in kindergarten and I often wonder if the logo designer for the wings took the same "original" art class.

Players - Young & exciting players like Patrick Kane & Jonathon Toews bring life to the great Blackhawks. Duncan Keith & Brian Campbell bring defensive leadership to the team. On the Wings side, you have Henrik Zetterberg. A great player ...if you need a runway model. Then you have Pavel Datsyuk (pronounced PAY-veel Dad-SUCKS) enough said.

Fans - Just look around Des Moines. The die hard fans include such respectable & notable people like myself, the Dylo Bros., Mr. Adam Lowell, and occasionally Matt Johnson. On the other side, hoodlums like Brad Dean (who secretly told me he is a closet hawks fan on our 22 hour ride from Vegas), Aaron Clutts (this from a guy who eats pizza AND cherry cobbler for lunch). The riff-raff is rounded out by others goofballs like Justin West, Tony "You can't see me" Ford & even Dan "I have a My Little Pony tattoo on my butt" Koenig.

So as you can see, it should be a no-brainer as to which team is better. I guess you could say you have to have "no-brain" to cheer for the a red tire with a wing....hmmm..too bad Goodyear took the Shoe & Wing idea!

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