Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Everyone's Gotta Help!

As I anxiously await the start of the NHL hockey season, I am slowly getting my fix by seeing all the youth teams starting to practice for their fall season. As I picked up my son from school, I was asked by a teacher "What are you doing tonight?" to which I replied "Hockey Practice".

To my surprise, this highly educated teacher that has a direct influence on my child responded "What is this 'Hawkee' you speak of ?" My mouth fell to the gymnasium floor as I watched my kid crying asking "Why doesn't that teacher know about hockey, dad? WHY!?" I had no answer.

I have come to the conclusion that we do not do our part as hockey playing role models. It is OUR responsibility to the Des Moines community to share our passion & knowledge of this great game with everyone. There is no reason our children should suffer the ignorance of others. We need to do our part to help everyone.

A list has been compiled as to what you can do to help your fellow human understand this great sport. I'm sure there are many other things as well, so feel free to add your comments. For now, utilize these tips on a daily basis and remember to spread the word.

  1. Buy tickets to an Iowa Chops or Des Moines Bucs game. Take a co-worker, friend, neighbor, etc. This will give them first hand experience to hockey.
  2. Surprise your neighbor by buying them the NHL Center Ice Package. When you go to visit, program their TV to block all channels except for hockey games and put you own password on so they can't change it. Then say "Your Welcome".
  3. Convince a family member to play hockey. Don't take the "I can't skate excuse". Explain to them that if John Hoekstra can do it, so can you.
  4. Cross check a co-worker from behind at work. When they say "What was that for?", you can respond, "For getting in my goalie's crease!" This will have them asking for clarification and that's your "in" on talking about hockey.
  5. Give yourself a black eye. Another great conversation starter. Tell them it was from playing hockey (even if you don't play).
  6. Throw away all your kids video games except for hockey ones. Explain to them that until they can beat the computer (playing as the Avalanche) with the St. Louis Blues, they will not be able to do their homework. This way their college success rests in their own hands.
  7. Remove all carpet in your home and add hardwood floors. Require all guests to wear socks during their visits and make sure you have ample wood polish on hand to slicken the surface.
  8. Road trip to Iowa City or Ames to watch a college hockey game.
  9. Buy a jersey of your most hated team (probably Red Wings) and then set it on fire in front of your house. Another great conversation piece with the neighbors (and law enforcement).
  10. Buy tickets to the Winter Classic in Chicago. Although these tickets will eBay for $1000+, its a great deal. To make it even more impressive, give the tickets away to your favorite hockey blog writer in Des Moines.
  11. Make Bob Probert's mangled face your computer's desktop background.
  12. Always carry a hockey stick in your car. It allows for extra reach if you are trying to get the attention of the car next to you. It's also practical to have in case a game breaks out in a parking lot.
  13. Boycott basketball. Call your local TV stations, cable company & congress person to let them know that it is insulting to society to have such poor programming on television.
  14. Subscribe to hockey magazines & fantasy hockey. You need to have a full understanding of all the players, teams & stats in case you are challenged by someone who wants to bad mouth the sport.
  15. Wear hockey gear...everywhere. Boston Bruins tie to the office, shoulder pads to the grocery store, Devil's jersey to church (well maybe not such a good one) get the idea.
So the next time someone asks "What is 'hawkee?", you'll be prepared to share your info with them, or drop your gloves and punch them in the mouth...either way is effective.

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