Its unfortunate that in today's world, even the Good Guys get a raw deal. For those that have been sleeping under a rock, or still recovering from Michael Jackson's death, there was an incident with Patrick Kane of the Chicago
Blackhawks allegedly getting into an altercation with a taxi cab driver in
Buffalo New York.
This really burns because a good kid like Kane who happens to play for the best team in the NHL is having his name smeared. I think if we honestly evaluate the entire situation and break it down, we will find the truth...so here goes.
First, he has enough money to be driving around in a Lexus, Mercedes or Prius, but he chooses to carpool with his cousin and takes a cab.
Next, does anyone really believe that he was not going to pay for his cab ride? Maybe his EA Sports 2010 Bonus check hadn't come in yet and he was a bit short.
The article goes on to tell us that Kane got into an altercation with the cab driver because the cab driver owed the young boys $1.20 and he didn't have $0.20 so they were angry. Darn right they should be angry! I know that Cab Driver scam; owe someone some odd change amount and fumble around looking for it for awhile until the exhausted passenger just says those famous four words, "Just keep the change!" Finally, it took an upstanding, Calder winning, first round pick to take a stand, and now he is getting punished?!
Now, lets look at where the altercation occurred. Buffalo, NY. Enough said. What a conspiracy! If I was a cab driver in Buffalo and my team (Sabres) draft T.J. Brennan in the 2nd round of the 2007 draft (because they gave away a first round pick) and local hero Kane goes to the Blackhawks, I'd probably try and short change him too! After all, the nerve of Kane to go back to his hometown and visit his parents, spend time with his cousin & promote the building of new rinks with the Mayor...shame on you Kane...for caring!
In the end, Kane will be out thousands of dollars in legal fees to defend his good name, while the cab driver gets his 10 minutes of fame. Its just not fair.
"Here's a 20 year old millionaire pissing away millions in endorsements out of drunk stupidity. This is so beyond stupid it's not even funny."
Jealousy is evil. I too would twist any story into a negative if my team was 34-37-11, 5th from the bottom in the entire league, and all you have is an opportunity to relive some old Gretzky days. Well, when your washed up, 7.25 Million Dollar Man Ryan Smyth comes to Chicago....he better ride the bus.