We can use everyone’s help, so please forward this blog entry on to anyone that may be interested in sponsoring or golfing. If you would like, you can forward me their email or contact info and I would be happy to contact them as well.
The event is on August 14th with a 9:00 a.m. start. This is the break down of sponsorships:
Lunch Sponsor $1,000
Recognized as provider of lunch for all players Signage at lunch & awards presentation
Golf for 4
Drink Sponsor $750
Recognized as provider of drink tickets for all players
Signage at lunch & awards presentation
Golf for 4
Hole Sponsor $500
Signage on golf hole Opportunity to "staff" golf hole to promote business
Sign Sponsor $250
Signage on golf course
Let me know what you think, I can be reached via email at joebafia@gmail.com, or cell phone at 202-6620.
You can also just golf with no sponsorship. $75/golfer or $275/foursome.
We'd love to have you at there for this great cause!