I'm not a huge fan of fighting in hockey. Correction, I am a huge fan of the actual fighting, just not the cheering that comes from the crowd when one breaks out. I believe that fighting in hockey keeps players in line on the ice and allows the teams to "police" each other. Although I do not agree, I still understand the entertainment value it brings to the fans, so when a fight breaks out and I just sit, watch & listen to fans yell "Break his face!".
This brings me to another thing I dislike. "Ref you suck....Ref you suck...." are the cheers that come from the fans. Often times a called is missed (usually against the home team) and fans come out of their chairs. When refs come out at the beginning of the game or period, they are greeted by boos and are heckled throughout the game. Again, I understand that it must be "fun" & "entertaining" to participate in this type of cheering and it must add to the fans overall enjoyment of the game, but I don't agree with it.
The first time my kid jumped in with the "Ref you suck" cheer, I explained why that was the first and last time they would participate. My explanation started by asking "why does he suck?" to which I got the response "because he's the ref." Did he do something wrong? Did he make a mistake? Was he not intelligent? To these questions I got the blank stare. Although I would never think less of a person due to their opinion of the ref, I wanted to explain to my kids that a ref is a person of authority on the ice. Not every call was going to be correct as they are human. Also, not every call is a "bad" call against our team. I wanted my kids to understand that being a ref was a difficult job and although entertaining to belittle them, not really necessary. What if you got a math problem wrong in class, or made a bad play at your hockey game and the fans and your teammates yelled "kid you suck...kid you suck..." I think he got the message. At the same time, if they think its ok to yell at authority figures on the ice...whats next? Police? Teachers? Parents maybe?
So again, I accept that fans get into the game and heckling the ref is part of the fun, but that is where it should end. Unfortunately, what happened at the Bucs Game Friday night caused this blog entry. I'm sure not many saw it as it happened at the end of a period, but the refs were leaving through the Zamboni doors when a "fan" was screaming at them from a railing just overhead. A few choice comments & expletives had me knowing that this fan 1) had way too much to drink or 2) was really very unintelligent. Once the fan realized he did not have the attention of the exiting refs, he proceeded to throw his cup (with beer) at the refs. He yelled a few more things and then sat down in his seat a few feet from the spot as if nothing happened. Of course, security felt otherwise and escorted him out to some undisclosed location where hopefully he got a stern talking to.
There was a play in the game where one of the Buccaneers did get hit from behind into the boards hard (at least that was how I saw it). There was no call. Although I disagreed, I understand that calls are missed and players could settle this on the ice as well (insert appropriate fight here). But I do not agree with fans getting that involved with a ref, player, coach, etc. Actually, I think it should be allowed, but the fan should have to face the player and actually follow through on their threat.
See videos below
Point is, relax with the refs and remember that sometimes you suck at your job too.